

Enrich Your Life With These Sources of Happiness

  • Find a job that you love, because you spend 8 hours of your day at work, not to mention getting ready for work in the mornings, and unwinding in the evenings. And when the week is over, if you didn’t enjoy working, chances are that you will spend your hard earned money in search of happiness. Always choose the job you love to do.

  • Have at least 5 new things you are grateful for in life on a daily basis. This will help you to go through your day searching for things that are uniquely beautiful for that particular day.

  • Incorporate physical exercises to your daily routine, as they boost mood. Happiness was reported to be beautiful.

  • Everyone loves to have good friends. When asked, supportive friends have been reported to be good friends as well as source of happiness.

  • Have fun. Fun has been described variety of ways, by different people. Find out what you consider is having fun and enjoy your life to the fullest, without missing a single day, during which you didn’t have fun.

  • Family has been described to be source of happiness. In order to have a good relationship with your family, you need to cultivate and nurture your relationship with your loved ones. And God willing some day soon, you’ll find a loving family, who cannot go a day without you.

  • Going to your favorite places and meeting like-minded people, can not only help you feel validated, but will also help you find joy and meaning in life. Some people go to Church to find similarities, some people search for their favorite company to work for and some return to school. Look for it. It’s out there.

  • Maintaining your emotional health is transparent, when you look in the mirror and see yourself smile. Care for your happiness, as it is your emotional well being. And if you have difficulties taking care of your emotional needs, remember that there is professional help out there. Ask your helper to listen to you, validate you and motivate you to get from A to B.

  • Although it is almost impossible to win the lottery, unless you plan to spend millions of dollars to plan ahead, winning is not only about money. This kind of happiness can come from playing games with your friends and family.

  • Playing games can vary from board games to extreme sports. Intellectual games help you feel good, when you use your intellect. And if your friends and family are busy to join you when you feel like playing intellectual games, you can always watch mystery movie, which can help you achieve intellectual happiness, when you guess how the movie is going to end.

  • Humor has been known to be very helpful source of happiness. Some people laugh at others innocent mistakes, and some people laugh at their own shortcomings. Also, there are professional comedians, comedy shows and funny movies, that can help you unwind after long day of work.

  • As cheesy it may sound, volunteering can be a source of happiness. Of course volunteering does not draw out the same level of happiness as sky diving, but it does help experience life on a different level. Volunteering for others can feel like trying out someone else’s shoes and get to know what it’s like. And when you get home from your volunteer work, you have your beautiful self to spend the day with as well as you have now created an interesting story to share with your friends.

  • Extreme sports such as bungee jumping, kayaking, hang gliding and parasailing can help you enjoy your not so redundant weekend, build memories and when you get home, it can feel like you have just pressed the restart button on your life. Go Wild.

  • Your spiritual journey can be a unique experience. Some people find inner peace in religion, some find it in spirituality. And some of us love creating memories for ourselves, choosing higher standards and building values, solely to look into the mirror to say to ourselves “Yeah, that’s who I am”. It feels good.

  • Although, daydreaming can take you anywhere you like, the trouble with it is that most of the time, it disappears when we regain consciousness. As it should but it’s there waiting for us, every time we want to get away from hardship. Some people read fiction, some go to movies and/or have costume parties. One way or another, fantasizing has been reported to be a source of happiness for as long as it may last.

  • Evaluating your strengths can be a source of happiness, according to Dr. Martin Seligman, the author of positive psychology. Celebrating our favorite choices can help with happiness and sometimes we even get compliments for those choices. It feels good. Make a list of your strengths and if you have difficulties to do so, log into www.authentichappiness.org and take the strengths test which was prepared by Dr. Martin Seligman. These tests are easy and helps you find over dozen compliments about yourself as part of the test results, which are organized starting from the strongest of your values.

  • Life can get overwhelming, especially when we don’t take a break to attend to our sources of happiness. And when things get tough, some people have worked until they felt burnt out, some have chosen unhealthy forms of relaxation and some just choose to take a little break from their responsibilities. According to Desmond Morris, the author of “The nature of happiness”, you can ignore your difficulties, and choose to detach yourself from them, by going out and enjoying your life.

    1. Smell

    2. Sight

    3. Taste

    4. Audio

    5. Touch

  • Examples of Rhythmic Happiness are dancing with a music, exercising with music and/or swimming with it can be a source of happiness. In fact some have reported that Synchronized swimming has been healing for victims.

  • There is no doubt a joy that comes from reaching your goals. However, many people take their achievements for granted. This exercise helps evaluate your past goals and dreams while pursuing new ones.

  • This item on the list helps you arranging various kinds of self-care methods. They can vary from getting a manicure, pedicure, and/or massage.

  • As redundant this may sound, forgiveness is a mood elevator. You cannot compare this kind of joy with the joy that comes from engaging in extreme sports, but it’s a relief from extra burden, which in turn makes one feel good.

  • I know they say money cannot buy happiness, but contrary to the old saying, money can buy happiness when it is spent on others. Perhaps this behavior makes one feel wonderful about themselves and give themselves pat in the back.

  • Projects have been reported to be source of happiness. My suggestion is to take yourself as your own ongoing project. This is a fun journey. In this journey you can not only improve yourself, and improve your surroundings for the rest of your life, but it also never ends, so there will not be a separation period from the most valuable project of your life.

  • Play games. Currently, we have 100 upcoming intellectual games. You can not only play these games with your friends and family, but it is a very healthy quality time that you can spend with your teenagers.

  • Altruistic approach to any person and/or project can leave you with higher self-efficacy, higher self-esteem and also give you an exemplary topic to discuss with your friends and/or strangers. Altruism is also a very good topic for first date.

  • Enjoying smaller things in life has been underrated. This option gives us enjoy life affordably. Enjoying smaller things in life can be the breeze on your face right when you need it, to other smaller things such as listening to your favorite songs on the radio, or receiving a phone call that tells you the joke of the day. This is highly productive source of happiness. And if you follow through on a daily basis, you may find yourself strolling through your day with an undying smile on your face.

  • We say that “misery loves company”, but so does the happiness. Happiness is rather contagious, as our mirroring neurons react when we see smiling faces. It is highly important for you to surround yourself with people who are happy. After all, accomplished people are more likely to be happy, as opposed to not so accomplished people.

  • Chocolate has been reported to boost mood. There has not been any mentions whether it is due to calories or there is something about chocolates. Treat yourself with a piece of chocolate.

  • If all else fails, please see your therapist to receive individually altered path to your emotional well-being and happiness.

For more information on happiness you can read:
1. Authentic happiness by Martin Seligman.
2. The Nature of Happiness by Desmond Morris.